Friday, August 1, 2008

Folk Music Dancing

I found out that Jeff's mentor, John Feirerabend, actually taught at Ship and is friends with Blaine Shover. Small world ....or mystical fate?


BING! said...

That looks like crowded porch with all that jamming!
Blaine was actually in my neck of the woods 4 or so years ago with the SU Concert Choir.
Although I worked with Blaine fairly close as a singing lead during "The Apple Tree" in 1990 and "Grease" in 1991, he remembered me best from "OLIVER." Who'da thunk it that that first impression would have been such a lasting one?

CatherineCZ said...

I vote mystical fate. Glad you're having such a great summer! Btw, love the green skirt & sandals, Ms. Fashionista!