Saturday, June 27, 2009

August 15-Or Else

Hey Gang,
Masquers have been on my mind alot lately, not to mention my couch. Last weekend Scott just happened to be in the neighborhood, so he Stuart, and Vera got to experience the luxury accommodations of Chez Bebey Miller. Maizie LOVED Scott. She must have known he was an Au Pere.

Last night Constance and her clan crashed, not literally at the Chromiak Rhones fabulous new house. While having breakfast with the gang this morning, Constance swatted Chris & I with her Day Runner Calendar until we picked a date for Hershey Park--Yes, sorry those of you who had your hearts set on Euro Disney.

Sooooo, Here it is,
August 15, 2009

Don't be silly, we don't have any more details right now. You'll have to drive up here and smack us around to get more info.

And if anyone sees Galen, tell him his couch is going to be full that night.

1 comment:

Scott Mc said...

I had a great time visiting the Bebey-Miller household. Maizie was adorable, she kept Vera laughing with her antics. She's going to be a real entertainer.
I'm afraid that I'm going to miss the Hersheypark experience. I'm moving into Stuart and Vera's place that weekend (say a prayer for Stuart's sanity). I'm sorry that I won't get to play with you all, but have a great time and take lots of pics!