Wednesday, October 3, 2007


This is our dog, Reggie. She's almost 6, 1/2 border collie and 1/2 golden retriever. She loves water and catching frisbee.
This is starting to sound like a singles ad....
Lookout, the giant dog on the left is going to eat that tiny boy!!


chrom said...

Reggie is a cute dog. Hell, if I didn't have Jeff, I'd date him.

Lara said...

Tooooo cute! Maybe we could fix him up with Tasha, our dog. Does he like older women?

Scott Mc said...

Definately cute, sad about the tiny boy though!

LisaBB said...

ok, ENGLISH major, was not taught to read for content. Reggie is a GIRL. I get it, because I had a girl dog named Timmie.

chrom said...

Hmmm, I guess if I were a dog, I'd be gay.