Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Theories on What's happened to John

Has anyone noticed that John is missing lately? Lara, conspicuously came to Connecticut without him. He has not been seen making comments on this blog.
Possible Theories:
A. He works for the government and stumbled upon some real X-file and is now living on Andares Three in the Andromeda Galaxy.
B. After, gulp, 20 years of marriage Lara's had enough. See that boat? Convenient "boat
C. The children have actually voted him off of the "Penninsula".
D. He really is busy at work. come now.
E. He is off on a voyage of discovery-- midlife crisis which cannot be solved like the rest of us with alcohol.
Mere theories. ....or TRUTH. you decide.


Lara said...

Yeah, considering we have Ross now, it's pretty bad that John is still missing in action. If anyone has seen him lately, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

He's stuck in the laundry closet upstairs.