Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hi all.... I have a Halloween Party every year and all Masquer's have an open invite. I emailed the invite to most of you, but some of the emails I have no longer work.

So here's the invite, if any of you find yourself in the area, stop on by.


Constance said...

I'd love to come, but will probably be dead by then as we open Ruddigore that night. And it's trick or treat in the 'hood and Howie's out of town on a boy's trip to Penn State. So, imagine me there, a drunken ghost, pantsing your unsuspecting guests!
ps. my email

chrom said...

I've always been impressed with your Halloween party themes- when I think you run out of them; you always come up with something new.

I think "body parts" should be the theme of the next party.

chrom said...

I would like to go quietly in my sleep-- which, you know, I'll be doing while your party is going on...well, quietly sleeping, hopefully not going yet...

Scott Mc said...

Constance, you would fit right in. Stuart just tried to pants me the other day. But having been around the pantsing master for so many years, I was too quick for him.