Thursday, April 3, 2008

I don't wanna work/I want to blog on de job all day

Saturday May 3 I'll be on a road trip to State College. The Pennsylvania Newspaper Association's Keystone Press Awards Banquet is at the Penn Stater, and I'm receiving a first place award for best music beat coverage at daily papers with circulation under 20,000. It'll also be up to me to accept and bring home my newspaper's four other awards.
The award was a shocker after 8 years of being mandated to enter these stupid contests without so much as an honorable mention to show for it.
Anybody live out near the Penn Stater? With gas being what it is, I'd like to do more, after making that bear of a drive, than hang with a bunch of newspaper geeks.
Good thing I have a 4 gigabyte mp3 player. But I do still enjoy tuning in radio stations when I'm out of town, despite big corporations destroying the beauty of terrestrial radio everywhere.


LisaBB said...

How about a Bebey Proxy-My brother bar tends in State College and a place called the Shandy Gaff.

BING! said...

That would be a gas! When does he work?

Lara said...

Have you ever checked out our local radio station in Annapolis - 103 RNR - you can get it online. I'm curious what you think of it. It's not radical by any means but it has a reputation for somehow shucking most of the corporate baggage. They reputedly have no play list, and the range of music I hear on there blows my mind. On different days/times, you wouldn't believe it's the same station.
And congrats on the award! That's great! What paper do you write for?

Lynn S said...

Congratulations on the award Bing!

BING! said...

I'll look it up Lara, thanks. My paper is called The Reporter. We're in Lansdale in Montgomery Co., Pa. I'd give you the url except the only reason my stories would make the online edition would be if it was breaking news, which I also do sometimes.

CatherineCZ said...

Congratulations, Bing!

chrom said...

Have you checked out Lost Discs Radio Show on the internet and shortwave? Shameless plug for our underground radio experience. Stick it to the man, man.
See the link on the blog.

Scott Mc said...

Congrats on the award! It's a shame they don't post your articles, I'm always interested in hearing about new music. The best radio station we have out here in Pittsburgh is WYEP 91.3. You can stream it. It's probably the best station I've ever listened to. Great independent music, smart disc jockeys with no stupid patter and great programs. Lara, I'm definately going to be checking your suggestion out as well.

Leslie said...

Congratulations on the award!!!