Saturday, September 1, 2007

Please Share

Hey, Lara and Denise post some pictures of your family! Here is my husband on the way to the Phildelphia Folkfest and my sillohette at the fest.


LisaBB said...

Did Jeff fly you to Philly in his Bi-Plane? Where's his white scarf? Did you run into the Red Baron?

Constance said...

You are too funny! Get that man a root beer.

Constance said...

also, chris, aren't you an ENGLISH teacher - silhouette. Der. Do we theatre profs haf to teach yous everything?

Denise Wilson said...
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Denise Wilson said...

I was always jealous of Christine's ability to shoot brightly-colored objects out of her trachea.

chrom said...

spelling? oh no, that's passe' I'm into post post modern English where you spell things however the he** you want- like my students.

BING! said...

Now that's not fair. I'm a stone's throw from the Fest site and missed you?