Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our visit to the Bebey-Millers, or is it Miller-Bebey's or is it Lisa's Kingdom?

On our way to Maine, Stuart, Vera and I got to stop and spend the night with Lisa, David and Maizie. My first look at Maizie and all reports are true, she is adorable!

Here's David and Maize eating some delicious cardboard.... mmmmm!!!

Vera showing off her culinary talents.

It looks like Vera has her doubts on Lisa's cooking talents!

What a great family. One of these days I'll learn that when i take a picture, take the empty booze bottles out of the way.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hershey Kiss

Lisa, Constance, and I will be at Hershey Park with our families on August 15th. Don't know about the night before...or night after... however, I'm sure there will be lots of kisses for anyone who can be there-- and not just the chocolate kind.