Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lisa's Big Present

Lisa's main present this year doesn't like to get wrapped.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

I was just thinking about all we have to be thankful for. I'm thankful that this blog has helped us all reconnect. I'm thankful for Maizie and for Luther's BFF Gretchen and for Liam. I'm thankful for music and banjos and for all of you. Have a wonderful thanksgiving!

Love, Constance

Saturday, November 17, 2007

20 Years O' BB

Remember when we were excited to tell people how old we were? Sorry Lisa, I think you need to add two more fingers this year. Happy Birthday!!!

Birthday Monsters

Continuing Constance's birthday tribute... here's our gal tangling with a monster.
They're both such interesting people!!!


Happy Birthday Bebey!

It was long ago and far away.....
1989 to be precise. We have better hair and nicer mates but
Lisa still has the hottest legs on the East Coast!
Welcome to the best years of your life.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

When Autumn Leaves Don't Begin to Fall

I wanted to take some pictures of Maizie in a big pile of leaves today. But thanks to global warming, most of the trees in our yard haven't realized that it's fall yet.

"What's the point of having one of these things if you can't even teach it to throw a frisbee!!!",
if dogs could talk.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trying Again

Looking through my more recent pictures (per Scotty's request) I came across a picture of me. I think it's from about a year or so ago when I took a trip to San Fran.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Great Escape

Bob's idea of movie night went like this, " Hey Lisa & Chris, Let's watch The Great Escape!".
"But Bob, it's 1am in the morning!"
"Does that mean you're making the popcorn or Chris is?"

This week my sister and her dog Porter were up for a visit. Wednesday, Porter and our dog Monty attempted their own Great Escape. Porter dug out under the fence. He was able to go much faster than Steve McQueen's tunnel because they didn't have to sneak the dirt out in their pants legs--which is good since dogs don't wear pants. Monty managed to make it under the fence and over a block before the gestapo rounded him up.