Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Not Christmas Yet!!!!!

It's Michelle's birthday first! Yes, it's her birthday tomorrow & I thought I'd share some of my favorite Miss Michelle pics!

This is how we would be celebrating if we were together. Although maybe she's not this happy to be turning 39... Hee hee!

This is Michelle saying, "I'm going to know you guys for HOW long???!!!!" (Even John seems stunned.)

Shiver me timbers! Michelle is thirrrrrrrrty-nine! Arrrrrgghhhhhhh!

Here is Michelle in her "Heat Miser" phase. Wasn't she cute... and festive?

Michelle was always a glamorous girl with glamorous friends.

Here are Michelle & I on her first trip to Hollywood. Marilyn & Jane better watch out!



Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Elves

Okay, I'm being a Blog-Hog (2 in a row), but thought you all would get a kick out of this:

Hope you all have a great Christmas and I expect to see some Holiday pictures worthy of both Santa and that ever more prevalent Duke of Puke.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Road Trip 2003 to Lisa & Chris

In the fall of 2003 I took a road trip up to visit Chris & Lisa. Saw some engagement rings, some real 'characters' and went to a castle. Here are the pics, you figure out what's what!

Castle first! Okay, I don't remember where this castle was, or the name. Chris and Lisa, do you know... help a guy out! It was very cool with a great view. Was that Monty the dog who came along for the ride?

It was a great trip and in desperate need of being done again. I'll post more pics from the trip soon.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The New Duke of Puke

It is eerie how similar Maizie and I are. At Shippensburg, I ended many a partying Friday night clutching a toilet.

Last night, Maizie partied like a rock star and paid the price. No, she was not drinking Cool Aid and grain alcohol, just in case you were wondering. Just a few too many French fries. As I was holding Maizie over the toilet then picking gooey white blobs out of my hair, I suddenly had a new appreciation for you all.

So, if you ever held my hair while I was praying to the porcelain god, thanks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lisa's Big Present

Lisa's main present this year doesn't like to get wrapped.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

I was just thinking about all we have to be thankful for. I'm thankful that this blog has helped us all reconnect. I'm thankful for Maizie and for Luther's BFF Gretchen and for Liam. I'm thankful for music and banjos and for all of you. Have a wonderful thanksgiving!

Love, Constance

Saturday, November 17, 2007

20 Years O' BB

Remember when we were excited to tell people how old we were? Sorry Lisa, I think you need to add two more fingers this year. Happy Birthday!!!

Birthday Monsters

Continuing Constance's birthday tribute... here's our gal tangling with a monster.
They're both such interesting people!!!


Happy Birthday Bebey!

It was long ago and far away.....
1989 to be precise. We have better hair and nicer mates but
Lisa still has the hottest legs on the East Coast!
Welcome to the best years of your life.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

When Autumn Leaves Don't Begin to Fall

I wanted to take some pictures of Maizie in a big pile of leaves today. But thanks to global warming, most of the trees in our yard haven't realized that it's fall yet.

"What's the point of having one of these things if you can't even teach it to throw a frisbee!!!",
if dogs could talk.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trying Again

Looking through my more recent pictures (per Scotty's request) I came across a picture of me. I think it's from about a year or so ago when I took a trip to San Fran.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Great Escape

Bob's idea of movie night went like this, " Hey Lisa & Chris, Let's watch The Great Escape!".
"But Bob, it's 1am in the morning!"
"Does that mean you're making the popcorn or Chris is?"

This week my sister and her dog Porter were up for a visit. Wednesday, Porter and our dog Monty attempted their own Great Escape. Porter dug out under the fence. He was able to go much faster than Steve McQueen's tunnel because they didn't have to sneak the dirt out in their pants legs--which is good since dogs don't wear pants. Monty managed to make it under the fence and over a block before the gestapo rounded him up.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

alien attack

Here is Maizie and David at
our China Group Halloween
Party. She is an alien in her
spaceship and David is her
trailer park abudctee--complete
with mullet.

The other pictures are from
Macbeth--conjure up your own scary thoughts
from the Masquer's production here.--Help Me Hence HO! The production was for a highschool I work for, when not on mercenary Halloween costume duty.


The halloween party has come and gone. We had some great costumes and I thought I'd share them with you all. Remember the theme was Plan Your Demise.

This is Joy, she is wearing the latest in roadside memorial fashions.

This is Holly, she's sad because she came in 3rd place in the Ice Skating Championships. She slit her wrists. very sad.

This is Stuart. He went hiking. He had a little run in with snakes and scorpions. Poor Stuart.

And this is Scott. He went dancing and got into a
little trouble when the disco ball fell from the sky. Scott will dance no more.

There were many more... gunshot victims, a chef killed by his employees, an IKEA employee killed in a horrible explosion... but I won't take up your time with the horror. If only we all had listened to the gypsy woman who warned us of our horrible doom. Alas, Madame Vera's prophecies fell on deaf ears.


Monday, October 29, 2007

It Pays to Have Connections

Presenting Gretchen the fluffy-white-cat-with-pink-ears-and-a-collar-with-a-jewel-in-it, made to order by costume designer Lisa BB. Gretchen was not lacking for ideas or direction on this, so Lisa and/or Connie may have to offer her an internship in the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lisa! Gretchen is thrilled. She called Lisa and left her a thank you message, closing the call by wishing Lisa a "happy barfball day." Now that's gratitude.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Luther the robot and Harrison the Mad Scientist who created him!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big Savage Tunnel

Last weekend Stuart and I took a bike trip in hopes of seeing some good fall colors as well as the Big Savage Tunnel. The tunnel is part of the Rails-to-Trails (converting railroads into bike/walking trails) that stretches from Pittsburgh to Washington DC. We've biked many different parts of the trail but hadn't been to this section yet. Apparently the tunnel was one of the last parts to be completed. We started in Meyersdale, Pa and biked 9 miles south to the tunnel. The tunnel itself is 3,300 feet long, lit with orange lights, it's a little spooky and very cool. Halfway through the tunnel, we run into a friend of Stuart's from Frostburg, MD! The last time we saw her, we had all talked about the tunnel and now a month later we were accidentally meeting in it. Do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do (that's twilight zone music).

We dragged Lisa back the way she came to the other side of the tunnel. There were some killer views (over their shoulders.. see... see). We shared our beer with her (what, you don't bike with beer???) chatted, giggled at the people in their spandex, and then walked back with Lisa thru the tunnel out the other side to some great yellow trees.

The end. There's a great little 12 min doc on the tunnel if you're interested.

Okay, gotta run, have a party to clean and decorate for. I'll be posting pics from the party and expect to see pics of you all (some of you ARE dressing for Halloween I hope) and/or your kids in costumes.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pretty Autumn Day

Our back yard is a Fall Wonderland.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So, Myth Busters are coming to Purdue this Sunday. Anyone want to come? I can get tickets.

Looking forward to your response,


p.s. you can get your pictures taken with them, and also help them blow things up.

(p.p.s. even though it's true that Myth Busters is coming to Purdue this Sunday, it's still Bob's desperate attempt to get people to come to Indiana....)

Wouldn't you help this man?

This is Robert. Robert has been working on the new show, VIVA LAUGHLIN, all summer... and all fall... He has gone to editing bays on weekends, read endless drafts, watched countless rough cuts, sent billions of emails, and actually traveled to Laughlin... all to bring you an hour of entertainment. This Thursday. On CBS. Please, for the love of God, tune in so we can have Christmas this year.

If you love it, episode 2 is this Sunday. I know you're already watching CANE & MOONLIGHT. And for the ladies out there, the guy on MOONLIGHT is quite a looker.

Okay, that is my plug of the day. Robert has now given me a shiny quarter.

I don't know how you all have so much time to post and you all have children. Maybe when you have kids, you learn a whole new method of time management. If there is a secret that you parents have, please share. I could write the self help book and make millions. Royalties you say? I would put all of you on the annuity plan of course, at $2 a month (like Ross).

Anyway, I have finally resurfaced to read all of the posts. It seems Ross and Galen have finally come to light and Anthony added a comment. Yeah! We need Michael Barbella and Bob Brown too. Hey has anyone asked Doug Bietsch to post? I would so love to know what is happening with him and Rabbit.

Bob M- the last I checked, England was not a third world country and even third world countries have high speed internet connections, so there is no excuse.

Anyway, life in Delaware doesn't seem as exciting as where you all live. (Yes I know that violates some grammar law and I apologize to all of the English Majors.) So I want to make some excursions this spring. Well, that is if my job survives the hostile takeover.... My company is being bought by Siemens. They are a German company and we hear that there is a German financial person assigned to every department. I guess his job is to shout "Nein" all the time. That is the reality of working in the corporate world. My teacher friends show great sympathy by saying.."yeah, I have tenure. So sad for you." Thats okay, if I get downsized, I am moving in with them or one of you so laugh all you want.....

So if you know of great events, festivals or museums or other things that could be an overnight or weekend trip from Delaware, let me know.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Penn State Game!

Jeff and I went to a Penn State game this weekend.

Tailgating is serious business. I'm always in awe when I enter the stadium and realize that there are over 100,000 other people there.
They won! We were scared of the Wisconsin mascot- the badger. Hide your children.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hi all.... I have a Halloween Party every year and all Masquer's have an open invite. I emailed the invite to most of you, but some of the emails I have no longer work.

So here's the invite, if any of you find yourself in the area, stop on by.