I don't know how you all have so much time to post and you all have children. Maybe when you have kids, you learn a whole new method of time management. If there is a secret that you parents have, please share. I could write the self help book and make millions. Royalties you say? I would put all of you on the annuity plan of course, at $2 a month (like Ross).
Anyway, I have finally resurfaced to read all of the posts. It seems Ross and Galen have finally come to light and Anthony added a comment. Yeah! We need Michael Barbella and Bob Brown too. Hey has anyone asked Doug Bietsch to post? I would so love to know what is happening with him and Rabbit.
Bob M- the last I checked, England was not a third world country and even third world countries have high speed internet connections, so there is no excuse.
Anyway, life in Delaware doesn't seem as exciting as where you all live. (Yes I know that violates some grammar law and I apologize to all of the English Majors.) So I want to make some excursions this spring. Well, that is if my job survives the hostile takeover.... My company is being bought by Siemens. They are a German company and we hear that there is a German financial person assigned to every department. I guess his job is to shout "Nein" all the time. That is the reality of working in the corporate world. My teacher friends show great sympathy by saying.."yeah, I have tenure. So sad for you." Thats okay, if I get downsized, I am moving in with them or one of you so laugh all you want.....
So if you know of great events, festivals or museums or other things that could be an overnight or weekend trip from Delaware, let me know.